5 Points To Anticipate When Setting Up Your Business

In order to help you see more clearly before you start, we have joined forces to present you 5 points of vigilance to start your service activity. of service in all serenity.

Choose the legal status suited to your project

The choice of legal status is a critical phase when setting up a business. The possibilities are numerous and each status has its own advantages and disadvantages. While it may seem wise to choose the legal status that will be the most favorable for your accounting and tax purposes at the start of your activity, also think about the future!

Faced with all the subtleties of the different statuses and the specifics of your activity, it can be difficult to make the right choice. Your Amarris Direct accountant can help you, by studying with you the advantages and disadvantages of each status. You will then have all the cards in hand to select the options that will be most favorable to you, in the short, medium and long term, to become an IT freelance .

Ensure a minimum income by keeping your unemployment benefits

ARCE, Aid for Business Start-up or Business Creation: This aid allows 45% of the remaining rights to set up a business to be received. This capital is paid by Pôle Emploi in two stages: a first half when the company is created, the remainder 6 months later. This solution is interesting for unlocking funds quickly, but does not guarantee you any minimum income after your 1st year of activity.

Only entrepreneurs who have created a company (and not a micro-enterprise) will therefore be able to receive 100% of their unemployment benefit when they start their activity, provided that their company does not pay them any salary or dividends.

Manage your expenses and costs well from the start of your activity

Often, business creators choose to defer spending on non-essential equipment and avoid investing in small computer equipment (hard drives, professional smartphone, etc.) and various supplies.

However, integrated over the accounting year, these expenses can reduce the taxable result at the end of the year.

Likewise, disbursements may be subject to specific accounting and tax treatment.

Do not wait until the end of the 1st accounting year to take stock

Like many aspects of running your business, your accounting and taxation should be anticipated. Do not wait until the last moment to worry about your social charges and your VAT!

To facilitate your management and better support you in the development of your activity, your dedicated Amarris Direct accountant will organize a meeting midway through your accounting year. You will be able to optimize your remuneration and your expenses from your first months of activity and thus avoid any unpleasant surprises at the end of the year.

Establish a realistic business plan and set your average daily rate

Last advice, do not skip the step of the business plan and the calculation of your average daily rate in order to verify the adequacy of your service proposal and your market.